生物多様性観測ネットワーク GEO BON
GEO BON is a part of GEO, The Group on Earth Observations. Within the GEO family, GEO BON represents biodiversity, one of GEO's nine Societal-Benefit-Areas. GEO BON, the Biodiversity Observation Network of GEO, is building up for the pathway to link biodiversity data and metadata to GEOSS, the Global Earth Observation System of Systems.
GEO BON is a part of GEO, The Group on Earth Observations. Within the GEO family, GEO BON represents biodiversity, one of GEO's nine Societal-Benefit-Areas. GEO BON, the Biodiversity Observation Network of GEO, is building up for the pathway to link biodiversity data and metadata to GEOSS, the Global Earth Observation System of Systems.
生物多様性情報システム (J-IBIS)
A central part of GEO's Mission is to build the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). GEOSS is a set of coordinated, independent Earth observation, information and processing systems that interact and provide access to diverse information for a broad range of users in both public and private sectors.
A central part of GEO's Mission is to build the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). GEOSS is a set of coordinated, independent Earth observation, information and processing systems that interact and provide access to diverse information for a broad range of users in both public and private sectors.
Future Earth Coasts
Large Marine Ecosystems Hub
Through the LME Hub website, find out more about individual LMEs around the world and their marine habitats and biodiversity, important fisheries and other environmental services they provide, and the threats and challenges they face. The hub also connects to Global Environment Facility (GEF) LME project websites, and gathers the most up to date information from individual LME projects, including latest initiatives, progress, success stories and lessons learned, as well as management guidelines and toolboxes.
Through the LME Hub website, find out more about individual LMEs around the world and their marine habitats and biodiversity, important fisheries and other environmental services they provide, and the threats and challenges they face. The hub also connects to Global Environment Facility (GEF) LME project websites, and gathers the most up to date information from individual LME projects, including latest initiatives, progress, success stories and lessons learned, as well as management guidelines and toolboxes.
河川環境データベース (河川水辺の国勢調査)
水産庁 日本周辺水域の資源評価
JAFIC 漁業情報サービスセンター
The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy. While highest priority goes to valid names, other names in use are included so that this register can serve as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature.
The aim of a World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) is to provide an authoritative and comprehensive list of names of marine organisms, including information on synonymy. While highest priority goes to valid names, other names in use are included so that this register can serve as a guide to interpret taxonomic literature.
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA)
AquaMaps are computer-generated predictions of natural occurrence of marine species, based on the environmental tolerance of a given species with respect to depth, salinity, temperature, primary productivity, and its association with sea ice or coastal areas.
AquaMaps are computer-generated predictions of natural occurrence of marine species, based on the environmental tolerance of a given species with respect to depth, salinity, temperature, primary productivity, and its association with sea ice or coastal areas.
Tree of Life Web Project
The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny).
The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny).
As an environmental treaty under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme, CMS provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats. CMS brings together the States through which migratory animals pass, the Range States, and lays the legal foundation for internationally coordinated conservation measures throughout a migratory range.
As an environmental treaty under the aegis of the United Nations Environment Programme, CMS provides a global platform for the conservation and sustainable use of migratory animals and their habitats. CMS brings together the States through which migratory animals pass, the Range States, and lays the legal foundation for internationally coordinated conservation measures throughout a migratory range.
Census of Marine Life (CoML)
The scientific framework of the Census of Marine Life comprises a global information system assimilating data and information from field projects investigating what now lives in six ocean realms (Human Edges, Hidden Boundaries, Central Waters, Active Geology, Ice Oceans, and Microbe) and projects designed to investigate the history of marine animal populations and to forecast the future of marine populations and ecosystems.
The scientific framework of the Census of Marine Life comprises a global information system assimilating data and information from field projects investigating what now lives in six ocean realms (Human Edges, Hidden Boundaries, Central Waters, Active Geology, Ice Oceans, and Microbe) and projects designed to investigate the history of marine animal populations and to forecast the future of marine populations and ecosystems.
Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)
The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) began in 2007 with the bold idea to provide "a webpage for every species." EOL brings together trusted information from resources across the world such as museums, learned societies, expert scientists, and others into one massive database and a single, easy-to-use online portal at EOL.org .
The Encyclopedia of Life (EOL) began in 2007 with the bold idea to provide "a webpage for every species." EOL brings together trusted information from resources across the world such as museums, learned societies, expert scientists, and others into one massive database and a single, easy-to-use online portal at EOL.org .
The NatureServe Network empowers people to sustain biodiversity by making sure everyone has access to the knowledge they need to be better stewards of our shared lands and waters. We serve as an authoritative source of comprehensive, decision-quality biodiversity data.
The NatureServe Network empowers people to sustain biodiversity by making sure everyone has access to the knowledge they need to be better stewards of our shared lands and waters. We serve as an authoritative source of comprehensive, decision-quality biodiversity data.
Morphbank :: Biological Imaging
Morphbank :: Biological Imaging is a continuously growing database of images that scientists use for international collaboration, research and education. Images deposited in Morphbank :: Biological Imaging document a wide variety of research including: specimen-based research in comparative anatomy, morphological phylogenetics, taxonomy and related fields focused on increasing our knowledge about biodiversity.
Morphbank :: Biological Imaging is a continuously growing database of images that scientists use for international collaboration, research and education. Images deposited in Morphbank :: Biological Imaging document a wide variety of research including: specimen-based research in comparative anatomy, morphological phylogenetics, taxonomy and related fields focused on increasing our knowledge about biodiversity.
Fauna Europaea
The Global Register of Migratory Species (GROMS) summarizes our state of knowledge about migratory species. It consists of a relational database connected to a Geographical Information System (GIS). GROMS supports the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and will serve both scientific as well as conservational goals, trying to bridge existing gaps.
The Global Register of Migratory Species (GROMS) summarizes our state of knowledge about migratory species. It consists of a relational database connected to a Geographical Information System (GIS). GROMS supports the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) and will serve both scientific as well as conservational goals, trying to bridge existing gaps.
The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera is a provisional (or 'interim') compilation of genus names - including species names in many cases - and covers both living and extinct biota into a single system to support taxonomic and other queries dealing with e.g. homonyms, authorities, parent-child relationships, spelling variations and distinctions between marine and non-marine or fossil and recent taxa.
The Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera is a provisional (or 'interim') compilation of genus names - including species names in many cases - and covers both living and extinct biota into a single system to support taxonomic and other queries dealing with e.g. homonyms, authorities, parent-child relationships, spelling variations and distinctions between marine and non-marine or fossil and recent taxa.
Founded in 1974, Species360 is a mission-based, non-profit NGO serving the global community of zoos, aquariums and other wildlife organizations in 90+ countries. "Global information serving conservation" is our tagline, and we are helping our members save endangered animals from extinction.
Founded in 1974, Species360 is a mission-based, non-profit NGO serving the global community of zoos, aquariums and other wildlife organizations in 90+ countries. "Global information serving conservation" is our tagline, and we are helping our members save endangered animals from extinction.