Forest monitoring data of 45 plots over the Japanese archipelago during the period of 1980-2021

Evento de muestreo
Última versión publicado por National Institute of Genetics, ROIS el abr 1, 2024 National Institute of Genetics, ROIS
Fecha de publicación:
1 de abril de 2024
CC-BY 4.0

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Long-term monitoring of a forest tree community is a basis for understanding forest structure and dynamics, and for evaluating ecosystem functions such as primary production. Because global climate change has impacted and will change the forest ecosystems from local to global scales, it is essential to document long-term monitoring data of the forests to examine the temporal and geographical trends of forest changes. We here report the monitoring data of 45 forest plots (average area: 0.69 ha) from 27 sites in Japan. The plots are located with latitude ranges from N 32.38 to N 43.36, and with elevation ranges from 8 m to 2453 m above sea level. These plots include both old-growth and secondary forests, and cover various forest biomes, such as warm-temperate evergreen forests, temperate deciduous broadleaved forests, and boreal or sub-alpine coniferous forests. In each plot, all living trees and liana larger than a certain minimum size (basically 15 cm stem girth at breast height) were repeatedly measured, and survival and recruitment of stems were recorded. Monitoring period varies among plots from 5 to 40 years with the average of 17.3 years. The tree measurement data are presented as a format common to that of the preceding Monitoring Sites 1000 Project in Japan, and as a sample-based Darwin Core format. This dataset expands existing open monitoring data of Japanese forests and thereby facilitates further meta-analysis on forest community structures and their changes in relation to climate change and other drivers. This dataset is published as a data paper in Ecological Research (see


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¿Cómo referenciar?

Los usuarios deben citar este trabajo de la siguiente manera:

National Institute for Environmental Studies (2024) Forest monitoring data of 45 plots over the Japanese archipelago during the period of 1980-2021. Version 1. National Institute for Environmental Studies. Dataset/Sampling-event.


Los usuarios deben respetar los siguientes derechos de uso:

El publicador y propietario de los derechos de este trabajo es National Institute of Genetics, ROIS. Esta obra está bajo una licencia Creative Commons de Atribución/Reconocimiento (CC-BY 4.0).

Registro GBIF

Este recurso ha sido registrado en GBIF con el siguiente UUID: b471e8c8-237a-4444-b2ef-0d5ba1903ead.  National Institute of Genetics, ROIS publica este recurso y está registrado en GBIF como un publicador de datos avalado por GBIF Japan.

Palabras clave

Samplingevent; Plot network; Forest dynamics; Tree species abundance; Stem diameter; Tree demography; Time-line data; Long-term monitoring; Samplingevent


Tetsuro Yoshikawa
  • Autor
  • Originador
Research Associate
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa
305-8506 Tsukuba
Kumiko Totsu
  • Autor
  • Originador
Specialist (Database engineer)
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa
305-8506 Tsukuba
Yayoi Takeuchi
  • Proveedor De Los Metadatos
  • Autor
  • Originador
  • Punto De Contacto
Senior Researcher
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa
305-8506 Tsukuba
Taku Kadoya
  • Autor
  • Originador
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa
305-8506 Tsukuba
Tsutomu Enoki
  • Autor
  • Originador
Kyushu University
Sakae Fujii
  • Autor
  • Originador
Tokushima Prefecture Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries Technology Support Center
Atsuko S. Fukamachi
  • Autor
  • Originador
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Mitsuru Hirota
  • Autor
  • Originador
University of Tsukuba
Kazuhiko Hoshizaki
  • Autor
  • Originador
Akita Prefectural University
Naoki Iiyama
  • Autor
  • Originador
Tokushima University
Yukio Ishikawa
  • Autor
  • Originador
Hirosaki University
Hiroki Itô
  • Autor
  • Originador
Hokkaido Research Center, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Hajime Kobayashi
  • Autor
  • Originador
Shinshu University
Takashi Kohyama
  • Autor
  • Originador
Hokkaido University
Yasuo Konno
  • Autor
  • Originador
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Akifumi Makita
  • Autor
  • Originador
Akita Prefectural University
Akira S. Mori
  • Autor
  • Originador
The University of Tokyo
Dai Nagamatsu
  • Autor
  • Originador
Tottori University
Tohru Nakashizuka
  • Autor
  • Originador
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Kanji Namikawa
  • Autor
  • Originador
Hokkaido University of Education
Mahoko Noguchi
  • Autor
  • Originador
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Michinori Sakimoto
  • Autor
  • Originador
Kyoto University
Yoshinobu Ozaki
  • Autor
  • Originador
Shimane University
Tatsuyuki Seino
  • Autor
  • Originador
University of Tsukuba
Hisashi Sugita
  • Autor
  • Originador
Toyama Prefectural Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center
Jun-Ichirou Suzuki
  • Autor
  • Originador
Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ryo O. Suzuki
  • Autor
  • Originador
University of The Ryukyus
Satoshi N. Suzuki
  • Autor
  • Originador
The University of Tokyo
Koichi Takahashi
  • Autor
  • Originador
Shinshu University
Ryunosuke Tateno
  • Autor
  • Originador
Kyoto University
Ryuichi Watanabe
  • Autor
  • Originador
Shinshu University
Tamon Yamashita
  • Autor
  • Originador
Shimane University
Tomohiro Yoshida
  • Autor
  • Originador
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Masae I. Ishihara
  • Autor
  • Originador
Kyoto University
Kenta Tanaka
  • Autor
  • Originador
University of Tsukuba
Masahiro Nakamura
  • Autor
  • Originador
Hokkaido University
Tsutom Hiura
  • Autor
  • Originador
The University of Tokyo
Biodiversity Division
  • Punto De Contacto
National Institute for Environmental Studies
16-2 Onogawa
305-8506 Tsukuba

Cobertura geográfica


Coordenadas límite Latitud Mínima Longitud Mínima [32,377, 131,173], Latitud Máxima Longitud Máxima [43,361, 144,661]

Cobertura taxonómica

Trees and liana of gymnosperm and angiosperm of 232 species from 113 genera of 54 families.

Familia Actinidiaceae, Adoxaceae, Anacardiaceae, Apocynaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Araliaceae, Aucubaceae, Betulaceae, Cannabaceae, Celastraceae, Cephalotaxaceae, Cercidiphyllaceae, Clethraceae, Cornaceae, Cupressaceae, Daphniphyllaceae, Diervillaceae, Ebenaceae, Ericaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Eupteleaceae, Fabaceae, Fagaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Hydrangeaceae, Juglandaceae, Lamiaceae, Lardizabalaceae, Lauraceae, Magnoliaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, Myricaceae, Oleaceae, Pinaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, Rutaceae, Sabiaceae, Salicaceae, Sapindaceae, Schisandraceae, Sciadopityaceae, Simaroubaceae, Stachyuraceae, Staphyleaceae, Styracaceae, Symplocaceae, Taxaceae, Ternstroemiaceae, Theaceae, Trochodendraceae, Ulmaceae, Vitaceae

Cobertura temporal

Periodo de formación 1980-2021

Métodos de muestreo

Tree measurement was performed generally based on the protocol of the Monitoring Site 1000 project (Ishihara et al. 2011). All living trees and liana larger than a certain minimum size were repeatedly measured using a tape measure or a caliper. Minimum size of measured stem (in girth at breast height [GBH] or tree height) differs among the plots, but all the stems with greater than or equal to 15.7 cm in GBH (5 cm in DBH) were measured, except one plot with the minimum size of 31.4 cm of GBH (10 cm in DBH; PL18). Survival and recruitment of stems were also recorded in each census. Total number of censuses per plot ranges from 2 to 23, with the average of 6.0.

Área de Estudio The 45 forest plots (coded as PL01–PL45 in this paper) are distributed throughout the Japanese archipelago. Plot latitude ranges from N 32.38 to N 43.36, and longitude ranges from E 131.17 to E 144.66. Elevation of the plots range from 8 m to 2453 m above sea level. Monitoring period per plot ranges from 5 to 40 years and the average is 17.3 years. Total monitoring period ranges from 1980 to 2021. A total of 269 censuses were performed in all the 45 plots. Plot size ranges from 0.0325 ha (plot ID: PL41) to 6.25 ha (plot ID: PL18), with an average of 0.69 ha. Most of the plots have rectangle shapes, but one plot has an irregular shape, and two plots have rectangle outlines but have non-covered areas inside them. These plots were all established in natural forests without cultivated or planted trees, and have experienced no large natural or anthropogenic disturbance (e.g., logging) during the monitoring. Some plots have suffered from insect damage (mainly the oak wilt disease by a bark beetle), deer browsing, or windstorm damage during their monitoring periods. The 45 plots can be categorized into two forest age classes; old-growth forest which had persisted at least 150 years without large disturbances until the start of monitoring (28 plots in 18 sites), and secondary forests, which have established within 150 years before the start of monitoring (17 plots in 11 sites).
Control de Calidad All plants were identified to species-level by the experts. Scientific names followed the YList (Yonekura and Kajita 2003) and were checked against the GBIF Backbone Taxonomy (GBIF Secretariat 2021).

Descripción de la metodología paso a paso:

  1. Tree census data was formatted into event data. A plot ID was stored in locationID. When a census date was not available, a date range based on the Japanese fiscal year was provided in eventDate.
  2. For the measurement in which individuals were identified, occurrence data was extracted from the GBH measurement data by a combination of a plot ID, an individual identification code (*case-sensitive), a census date, and species. A combination of a plot ID and an individual identification code was stored in organismID. For the measurement in which individuals were not identified (i.e. some in PL18 and all in PL02, PL05 and PL40), a combination of a plot ID, a census date, and species was used to extract occurrence data and therefore organismID was not provided.
  3. Measurement records including GBH and the proportion of tree trunk area where bark is stripped by deers, were created for each stem observed.

Referencias bibliográficas

  1. Ishihara MI, Suzuki SN, Nakamura M, et al (2011) Forest stand structure, composition, and dynamics in 34 sites over Japan. Ecol Res 26:1007 10.1007/s11284-011-0847-y
  2. Yonekura K, Kajita T (2003) BG Plants: Japanese name-Scientific name index (YList). In: Retrieved July.
  3. GBIF Secretariat (2021) GBIF Backbone Taxonomy. Checklist dataset accessed via on 2021-08-12. 10.15468/39omei

Metadatos adicionales

Identificadores alternativos