News & Topics 195 hits
The GBIF portal has a new look
The GBIF portal has a new look.
The GB20 Science Symposium will be streamed live online
The GB20 Science Symposium will be streamed live online at the following times: October 9, 8:30 p.m. - October 10, 12:30 a.m. (JST)
Services except for the search function have been resumed
Services except for the search function have been resumed.
The "Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook" is now available at
The “ Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook” is now available at Based on discussions at the Global Biodiversity Information Conference held last year, this report analyses the current status and tasks in the various fields of biodiversity information.
GBIF Newsletter No.35 (July issue) Japanese version is available
GBIF Newsletter, GBits, No. 35 (July 2013 issue) Japanese version is available here.
GBIF Newsletter No. 35 (July issue) is now available
GBIF Newsletter, GBits, No. 35 (July 2013 issue) has been uploaded. Japanese version is in preparation.
Bird heatmap evolve with the help of citizens
In the article “ Crowdsourcing, for the Birds”, published in the New York Times on 19 August, a system is described in which “birders” who watching birds are used as “biological sensors” to digitise a wide range of bird distributions in a comprehensive, year-round manner. The ornithological network eBird has been accumulating data at a rate of 40% per year for some time now, and they have developed and provided a mobile app to attract birders to the data collection, selected the best birders to improve data quality, and introduced a machine learning system. ...
A journal featuring biodiversity information dissemination and user needs has been published
Biodiversity Informatics (Vol. 8, No. 2) has been published on the theme of biodiversity information dissemination that meets user needs. It includes two papers on GBIF data dissemination and a paper on the Audubon Core, a standard format for describing multimedia information on biodiversity and being developed by the TDWG. Biodiversity Informatics
Science Council of Japan Public Symposium "New challenges in insect taxonomy"
Science Council of Japan Public Symposium “New challenges in insect taxonomy” will be held on July 20, 2013 at Grand Lecture Hall, Former Faculty of Engineering Main Building, Kyushu University. Click here for the program. (Japanese page)
GBIF Newsletter No. 34 (May issue) is now available
GBIF Newsletter, GBits, No. 34 (May 2013 issue) has been uploaded. Japanese version is in preparation.